Since I started this blog of mine back in 2010, at the end of every year I have done a little review feature, as a way of looking back on all the highs and lows of the last 12 months. I always love these posts as a way to help reevaluate and focus my energy on the coming year. So, I’d like to share with you some of my highs and lows in 2014.
Going Solo:
The beginning of 2014 saw me working full-time as lead stylist in iClothing.ie, and then shortly afterwards as a fashion presenter for SHEmazing TV. Both of these were amazing experiences which I have learned so much from, but this year more than ever I began to have problems juggling the different projects I was involved in. I was getting quite a lot of freelance work, both broadcasting and blog-related outside of my regular job, and eventually I decided to take the leap and go solo. Now I am officially a freelancer, and I work for myself. A scary concept yes, (and a very big change for me) but I have to admit that I absolutely love it, and it was the best decision I could have made. This move meant focusing on broadcasting and blogging projects full-time, and after a few months into it, I can honestly say that I am still figuring it all out… but that’s part of the fun, right?!
Of course no year is without it’s setbacks, and it’s important to remember the tough times, as they make you appreciate the good moments all the more. Adjusting to freelance work has been difficult, and it involves a LOT of self-discipline and self-motivation. There have been times where I have struggled with my schedule, putting together a workspace, and sticking to a strict timetable. I am not the most organised person naturally, but it’s a skill I am determined to master this coming year! There are also the lean times (especially in the beginning) when you have to be so so frugal, as you never know when the next job will come, and almost every payment works a month in advance, which can be painful. Thankfully, these hard times are few and far between, and after getting on my feet these past few months, I am more motivated than ever.
Despite all the difficult parts to setting up as a freelancer, I can honestly say I have never been happier in my work life. I have been lucky enough to land some really fun projects with the likes of TK Maxx, eBay, iClothing, Sweater Shop, RTE 2, 9 Crows and more. My blog is going from strength to strength, and I have all of you to thank for that! I also started doing a bit of radio contributing this year, a completely new passion I have stumbled across. Just before Christmas I was delighted (and a little shocked) to be listed in Lovin’ Dublin’s “One’s to Watch” in 2015 feature, alongside some seriously talented people. It was such a nice note to end the year on!
My Highlight of 2014 is a rather unexpected one, and something that most of you might not know about yet. Towards the end of this year I got involved with an improv comedy group, which resulted in me being asked to take part in a celebrity comedy showcase for charity. I’m a firm believer in saying yes to things that frighten me, but to say I was nervous was an understatement! Just the thought of trying to make an audience full of people laugh was terrifying to me! Never one to back away from a challenge, I swallowed my fear and leapt in with with both feet, and you know what, It was one of the most liberating, amazing experiences of the year. I made some great friends through it, and I has broadened my broadcasting horizons completely.
Looking ahead:
When I think about my goals and hopes for 2015, I try not to limit myself with fear or self-doubt. I have set myself some specific goals yes, but I am completely open to new adventures and challenges also. If you’re interested in reading my previous “Year in Review” posts, here is 2013, 2012, and 2011.
Looking back, It always shocks me how much changes in a year. Goals and hopes which I initially thought we’re just daydreams have materialised, along with new opportunities and adventures that I never even wished for in the first place. The one thing I have learned from these “Year in Review” posts is never to ignore your dreams and passions. Create a clear, concise vision of the future you want, and with a lot of hard work (and a touch of luck!) they can become a reality.
Finally, I just want to say another Thank you to you all for following my journey thus far, your support and words of encouragement mean the absolute world, and I am SO excited to start the story of 2015 with you all. Wishing you all a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year, let’s make it the best one yet!
Much love,
Ciara x