#CODfitness? Whats this now? If you’ve been a reader for a while now, you’ll know is the first fitness-related article here on ciaraooherty.com, and here’s why. Right now, I have no fitness routine. I’ve done little or no exercise since the beginning of my twenties. No gyms, no classes, and bar a few ill-fated at-home workouts here and there, no attempts at starting anything. I’ve been steadily ignoring the fitness craze that has swept over us the past few years, always thinking to myself that I didn’t need to make time for exercise, as I’ve never struggled with my weight before. Why would I bother?
At 26, I’m beginning to realise I underestimated it’s importance. I work mostly from home, at my desk, brainstorming, typing and editing away for long hours, and at over a year into this inactive lifestyle, I’ve noticed some changes. I’m still the same dress-size, but my posture was worsened. I’m not standing as tall as I used to, and when I climb into bed at night there’s a dull, low ache in my back that I’ve been doing my best to ignore. I have long legs that now cramp a few times a day when I sit with them crossed under my desk for too long. I fidget. I lack focus. I work on multiple projects simultaneously, as I find it difficult to focus on one screen for too long.
I’ve never prioritised fitness in my schedule, always opting to spend a few more hours working (or sleeping) instead, and now my body is crying out for change.
For my health and well-being, something’s got to give, but where and how do I start?!
I confided in my pal Kelly (who’s a fitness advocate) and she pointed me in the direction of a company called Zest fitness, who have two gyms in the city centre, and offer personal training and fitness consultations to total newbies like myself, as well as seasoned enthusiasts. I sat down with James, the owner, who was incredibly relaxed and easy to chat to, and we decided to work together on a fitness program, starting next week.
If I’m honest girls, I’m terrified. The sporty teenager in me that could sprint, somersault, cartwheel and scale a tree in seconds is sneering at the thought of what this slothful twenty-something millennial could possibly do. I feel intimidated by how little I know about fitness, and how everyone else on social media seems to have it all figured out. This is exactly why I’m opting for a personal trainer over a gym-membership. I need some guidance to make sure I’m doing everything correctly, and the trainers at Zest offer support that goes beyond that, such as food planning, at home workout plans, and even an app to keep track of it all. Rather than start a gym program full of machine-exercised, I’m really excited to try out things like boxing, which no doubt will keep me entertained.
I don’t have a ideal-weight or an amount of inches to lose, but I do have some goals:
- To tighten and tone my stomach, legs and bootay. Right now I’m slim, yes, but I’m squishy.
- To do a handstand. I know its not technically a fitness goal, but I’ve always wanted to nail one.
- To find something that switches my mind off the stream of internal chit-chat that goes on between my ears.
- To aid my motivation, creativity and focus.
Those last two are big ones. Mental heath is so important, and is intrinsically linked to our physical wellbeing. So rather than a crash-course to a beach-body, I’m looking at a lifestyle change to a more balanced view of health and fitness.
Here are some of my concerns:
- I know nothing about fitness. Nothing. Nada. Nil. What’s a marco? Is butter a carb? How do I squat? Do I have quads?
- I don’t look good exercising. I go purple when I run. I’m not kidding. Its my skin tone. I end up looking like a prawn, and I wheeze. It’s all very sexy.
- What do I wear? I have NO fitness clothes. Do they let you train in pajamas?
Despite these rather narcissistic concerns, I’m going ahead with it. So, if you’d like an introduction to fitness through the eyes of an absolute beginner, then I invite you to follow my journey. I’ll be updating you here on the blog in 4-week intervals, as well as more frequent updates on my social media pages (Instagram & Snapchat – ciaraodoherty) with the hashtag #CODfitness. If you’d like more information on Zest Fitness, check out their website here. I promise to be as honest and open as possible with this journey, and all nerves aside, I’m excited to share this experience with you all.
If you have any tips or advice for a newbie like myself, do let me know!
Chat soon,
Ciara x
I know EXACTLY how you feel! I’m slightly terrified of the fact I’m turning 26 in October and I feel this has got to be the year where I stop neglecting my health and physical well being. I’m right there with you and will keep checking the hashtag, so you can’t give up now!
Ps: your 3rd concern isn’t as much a problem as it is an opportunity Togo shopping! 😉