My Capsule Wardrobe Update: The Investment Biker

My Capsule Wardrobe Update: The Investment Biker

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Shop the post:

VEDA leather biker jacket: Shopbop  similar here & budget version here) | Boyfriend tee: Missguided ( I also have this one) | Jeans: Sold out,  similar | Adidas Superstars: HereChloe “Faye” dupe bag (under €35!)

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Shot by Yoseph on an Olympus Pen E-PL7 with a 75mm lens

(Read why I think it’s the ultimate blogging camera here)

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Practice what you preach, isn’t that right? Over the past few months I’ve been talking more about my wardrobe clearouts, and my new approach to my wardrobe. Now that my closet is smaller than it’s ever been, (watch my updated wardrobe tour video here if you don’t believe me!) I promised myself I would slowly introduce some investment pieces that would last me years and years.

You might remember the checklist I posted earlier in the year of all the basic pieces that were missing from my wardrobe? Well right up there on the list was the perfect leather biker jacket. I’ve seen so many lovely ones in highstreet shops, but I wanted something in real leather that would feel as good as it looked, and more importantly, stand the test of time.

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The lovely people over at Shopbop gave me a generous gift card recently to pick some things out from there site, and instantly I was swept up thinking about the many different bits and pieces I could pick up with it. I made myself stop and think about that list I had written of those key wardrobe pieces I needed more than anything else, and sure enough, the biker jacket was top of my list. So after some careful consideration, I chose this one from VEDA. I’ve mentioned this in previous posts already, but Shopbop have a great selection of low, mid, and high-end pieces, meaning that if you want to buy say a blazer or jacket of really great quality, they’ll have some of the best brands out there, all under one e-roof.

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  When it comes to leather jackets, VEDA are one of my all time favourite brands, specifically because suede and leather biker jackets are their signature piece, and boy do they do them well. I chose the National style which is slightly cropped, meaning they won’t overpower your frame, as they’re quite bulky as it is. Since this jacket arrived a few weeks ago I’ve been wearing it non-stop, and it will be a firm favourite come festival season also, which is just around the corner, woop!

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Here are some other leather bikers I absolutely love:


I’ll be back with another Spring/Summer wishlist post very soon, and in the meantime, make sure you’re subscribed to my Youtube Channel so you don’t miss any of my weekly videos. I also have a big event, the VIP Style Awards on Friday, so make sure you’re following me on Snapchat and Instagram (both @CiaraODoherty) so you won’t miss any snaps from that. I’m SO excited to show you guys my outfit!!!!

Happy Shopping,




  1. November 27, 2018 / 12:45

    Thanks for your nice post really this post is very helpful .Please keep it up your writting .
    everybody can easily check this kinds of topic becasue its about leather vest,
    motorcycle vest,biker vest
    .Thanks Hope that we will get something new and best

  2. November 27, 2018 / 14:56

    Thanks for your nice post really this post is very helpful .Please keep it up your writing .
    everybody can easily check this kinds of topic because its about leather vest,
    motorcycle vest,biker vest
    .Thanks Hope that we will get something new and best

  3. September 15, 2022 / 13:21

    Damn! amazing dressing. Especially the biker jacket which is giving an aesthetic look. Great shots.

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