I’ve been using Depop now for over 3 years now, and with well over 30o items sold and almost 70 thousand followers later, I can safely say that I’m addicted. It all started with my big wardrobe clearout in 2015, when I used Depop to sell dozens upon dozens upon dozens of clothing, shoes and accessories that I had fallen out of love with. My selling online worked so well that in 2017 I used the experience and knowledge I’d gained and launched my own Hair Accessory and Jewellery brand Taylor & Rose, which now I sell on my Depop, as well as on it’s own website, TaylorandRose.ie
So in today’s post I am finally sharing my Top Tips for selling on Depop.
1: Photos.
When it comes to selling on Depop, pictures are probably the most important factor, so make sure to take yours in bright, natural daylight, and try to include as many photos as you can in the listing. Photos of you waring the item in question are a big plus, as the give the buyer a good idea of sizing and fit, and can make a huge difference between someone buying the item or not. If you are selling smaller items like accessories, shoes, or jewellery, then why not make your photo look more appealing by popping in some flowers, a fashion magazine, or some lipstick in the photo. A little bit of prop styling can really make a difference.
2: Description.
When listing an item, always give as detailed a description as possible. Make sure to include the items sizing, any other relevant info, and even one or two styling ideas if you fee like. The more informative the description, the less questions you will have to answer about the item before someone buys it, which can waste time.
3: Shipping.
I usually estimate my shipping costs myself, as I have a fair idea how much things will cost to ship from being on Depop for so long. If you are new to selling and are unsure, ask your local post office for some pamphlets on shipping estimates, they’re free and really helpful for beginners. I always have my international shipping set to €2 more than my Irish shipping, which usually covers the extra cost of sending things to the UK. I also make sure to list both the national and international shipping costs in the items description, to avoid any further questions about it.
4: Discounts.
I find offering little discounts and offers here and there really help in building your profile and selling items, I always offer a 10% instagram follower discount, which people almost always use. They just have to message me saying they are a follower and give their instagram username, and I will apply the discount on the item they wish to purchase. It also directs people over to my instagram profile, which of course helps increase your follower numbers.
5: Communication.
Good customer service is essential to getting a good reputation on Depop, and I have found that so many of my buyers have re-purchased again and again because they had a good experience with me. The key to this is communication! Be sure to answer all your messages and comments, and don’t wait for more than a week to ship your item to a buyer after they purchase. If there is a delay for some reason (these things happen) then just be sure to let your seller know in good time so they don’t start to loose faith in you.
6: Add a personal touch.
I don’t know if many other Depop sellers do this, but I like to add a little handwritten note in with each of my orders, Its just a few words scribbled on paper thanking the buyer (I always include their first name) and wishing them well with their purchase. Such a simple touch can really improve someones buying experience, and I always get great feedback from it. It’s always nice to be nice ay?
Hey Ciara!
Every time I try to setup the Depop and download it from the app store it doesn’t work! I’ve tried on a Mac & iPhone! It says ‘not available in this country’. Any tips?
Hi Shauna, thats such a pity, Im sorry to hear you’re having problems with it! Have you tried contacting/mailing them directly about it? The team are super friendly, Im sure they can help fix it for you!x
Check out my depop http://www.depop.com/en-us/tcookie80
check out mine 🙂 https://www.depop.com/kshbby
Check out my depop https://www.depop.com/melmxma
I’ve got a few items on mine that might be of interest ᶘᵒᴥᵒᶅ
I’ve got a few items on mine that might be of interest ᶘᵒᴥᵒᶅ @dd86
I love DEPOP. Check out my profile @matthewmurin
Hey, how do I ship things that are bought? Do they provide a shipping label for you that you can print from home when the item is sold?
I’ve got a few items on mine that might be of interest ᶘᵒᴥᵒᶅ
I love DEPOP. Check out my profile @ghetokvintage
Selling loads of clothes on depop @sixstacks,follow me!!
Follow me on depop @sixstacks
thank you for all that very inspiring and informative. I have a problem. When I try to post photos of items for sale on Depop, the app makes me crop the pictures so only part of the item is visible. Very frustrating. Any tips we’d be much appreciated. 😊
If you edit the photo in the Instasize app then you can use the whole photo within the square format….check it out and you’ll see! Check out my Depop @Lonerrr
Feel free to visit me on depop. @leilajenny :-*
Hey guys go check out my depop! I have just posted loads of cute stuff 🙂 @chloeearnold
Selling loads of fashionable and high end brands for cheap! 😊
Follow me! Selling most items for £5 and under 🙂 @nessyzx
Follow me on depop: @xoserinap 🙂 GREAT PRICES, FROM MONTREAL CANADA
Can you tell me how to repost an item if you havnt sold it? On Ebay its how to relist an item. Surely you dont have to go through the whole sell an item process everytime?
❤️❤️❤️ FOLLOW ME! ❤️❤️❤️
Tons of cool clothing & accessories added daily!
Hi im in Ecuador but want to open a cigar shop on de pop but how much would it Costa to ship or can your supplier ship for you once a product is ordered?
Hi, i am new to Depop. Please can you tell me where i can access my messages using my android phone. I cannot seem to find my messages. I get notifications to say ‘i got mail’….i have clicked on the chat icon but says no mail?!
Follow me on depop afrochic94 tons of fashionable clothing and accessories!
Hi ,
Great tips thank you.
Depop hanspins
I am a hoarder!!
follow my depop!! https://www.depop.com/en-us/celestez14
Hey check out my depop , I’m selling anything from waisttrainers to dresses to lip plumpers
Thankyou xxxxx😍❤😘😚😙
Hey everyone🌵🌸🍑🌻 feel free to check out my depop @michustin 🌸🌸🌸
Follow my Depop for genuine designer brands at low prices: @henizzle x
New to Depop! Got some amazing items available! Check me out @kellyrowson
I amnew to Depop and sold 1 item upto now so this is helpful thank you. Check my items and follow @teotekla
Hey guys I’m new to Depop so if u want u can check us out at glamshop_SA. I’m selling makeup and later more things💞💖
My shop is @mermmaid 🙂 Tons of cool stuff!
Check out my depop @meerabp most clothes unworn and under 15€! Brands include Ralph Lauren, Zara, J Crew…
Check out my Depop! Name brand clothing at really cheap prices!✨ Unique and wacky styles 🙂 A&F; NIKE, etc. Expanding to shoes and other accessories! @whorablementions
Check out my depop for inexpensive good quality clothing beauty and jewellery coming soon @smithstaxo
Thank you for sharing this! I’ve been wanting to set up an account but was unsure where to start so this has been a huge help 🙂
Follow me on depop @dylanclark98
Such a helpful blog post. Thank you.
My depop is https://www.depop.com/nxethu .
Great tips, they really help. Please check out my depop at ’70s_dad’!
check out my depop! @thecarolynabel
Just starting out on Depop… loving it so far @lyss95
check my page out!
I am new to depop and would love to link up with other depop sellers user name is deetamayo
Hi Ciara!
Greetings from Milan!
Thank you for such a useful article, I am new in Depop so really appreciated your tips! I am still struggling with taking pictures of clothes, any tips on it?
My depop is @fflorena (Florena Florena)
Grazie in anticicpo (Many thanks in advance)!:-)
Thanks for the tips! Feel free to check out my Depop, @lenasaine
Thank you for the information… Best wishes to everyone. I’ll see you on top.
I am selling Calvin Klein, Versace, and other awesome 90s stuff on my depop! Check me out because I am broke with expensive taste. @eyerin
hey guys! check out my new depop shop! i’m @kennedysells.
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FirstLibby recently posted..FirstLibby
Thank you for the tips!
PS: please check out my depop: https://www.depop.com/ecstaticq
you will get 10% discount or free delivery 😉
Great tips.
Wow this is a great post! The taking pictures part really help me out. Thanks so much for this! #FAB!
If anyone needs help with a closet clean-out, the best personal stylist in NYC
have a look at my depop! woman’s clothes size 6-10, shoes size 5-6 and some makeup products.
Check out my depop @maddiestapleton
Check out my Depop, everything at a perfect price and in perfect condition!
Please give @flexproduct_ a follow, lots of exciting millennial Items coming soon
Starting a vintage athletic sportswear shop. Please check it out. @poly2000
Hey Guys Check out my Closet <3 :https://www.depop.com/storyofanawkwardturtle
Cheer’s for the tips. Here’s my profile if interested! @onikage
Hi, I really liked your blog and this will help alot for all the people using Depop. Also i wanted to share you a smart technique to increase the followers on Depop. There is a guy on youtube who has uploaded a video of “DEPOP FOLLOWER BOT”. Just have a visit and make a drastic increase in your followers. Welcome in Advance.
Great article Ciara, I’m new to Depop and noticed people messaging me once I’ve like their own asking if I’m interested. As a reflex, I asked someone the same question once they liked one of my items., to which they responded yes! My question is now that I know they’re interested in the item, how do I follow this up and frame it into a purchase scenario besides offering a discount? Would I offer free postage?
Just started using Depop (@jeremiahmt) and obviously photos are so so
important but I didn’t really put in the time for any other areas to make my items sell more thanks sister Ciara
Good share.
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I would like to see more posts like this
Check out my Depop https://www.depop.com/megan_lilley7
Good tips, thank you.
Just started a Depop for the business: https://www.depop.com/anonimous_co
Take a look at my depop https://www.depop.com/ellenbakerr26/
Take a look on my depop
Every cheap clothes ect
Look @ my depop ❗️
Selling cheap clothes ect ✅
I make double discounts ✅
You can make me reasonable Offers✅
Awesome article to read.
One thing I want to add top of yours is that Depop take 10% commission on selling items so decide first whether you will offer free shipping or bump up the price of item to cover shipping costs. Always be fair with pricing and willing to negotiate on the price you have fixed. If you do not want to negotiate on, write it in the description very clearly.