The Power Jacket.

The Power Jacket.
Leggings and shirt: NowiStyle // Jacket : MINUSEY // Beanie : American Apparel // Necklace : eBay
Firstly, I have to apologise about my severe absenteeism over the last week and a half in regards to WildChild Stories. I have been in the process of moving house, which involves a ridiclulous amount of sorting packing, lifting, moving, unpacking, more sorting, and various other unpleasant things. Now that I am finally moved, I have to get some decent internet up and running, so PLEASE my dear readers, bear with me while I try my best to get the little blog of mine back to its normal running order again 🙂
 SO, on to the fun part ~ the outfit post! This outfit is a mixture of some new pieces I have gotten recently, and some old favourites. You may have spotted m shoes before here  and here and they are from the amazing designer Sam Edelman. I nabbed them at half price from one of NastyGal’s sales, and despite an extremely annoying customs charge, I still absolutely adore them.
 My leggings and shirt are from the fantastic online shop NowiStyle, who very kindly sent me a box of goodies to play with and style into some outfit posts. I have to say I am really impressed with the quality and fit of their pieces, especially this leather bag that I recently featured in an outfit post. Have a gander on their website here to see for yourself.
 This amazing denim biker jacket is also a new purchase from Minusey (which you may have spotted here), and I can happily say that is one of my favourite buys of this year. I absolutely love the dark colour and masculine cut, and the fact that it is made of denim and not leather, like most biker jackets you see makes it even cooler in my eyes. I usualy like to stick to just one leather piece per outfit, and so Im delighted that I can team this biker with other leather pieces without looking like a motorcycle-gang reject.
It was the IMMENSE studded eagle on the back that sealed the deal for me however. As soon as I saw, it I knew I had to have it. I had been on the hunt for this type of studding effect for a long time now. Did I also to mention the jacket was on sale, and only sixty dollars? Serious win. 😀
 Okay I’ll stop talking about it now. I hope everyone has a wonderful  week, and I’ll do my best to post regularly despite the ol’ internet drought ~ Promise!
 You can also hype this look on Lookbook if you like!
All photos by the amazing Jesse May Fisher from The Style Notorious


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